
MP offers complaint against Guaranho for murder with futile motive

The PDT confirmed the name of former minister Ciro Gomes as the party’s candidate for president of the Republic. The national convention was in Brasília and the legend has not yet defined the name of the deputy on the ticket. Senator Leila Barros (PDT-DF) is speculated for the post, but she was announced as a pre-candidate for the government of the Federal District, which would make her name on the national ticket unfeasible. There is also no definition on the participation of other parties in Ciro Gomes’ coalition. In principle, the PDT will compete in isolation, with a pure slate. Ciro will go into his fourth presidential race. He also ran in 1998, 2002 and 2018.

The Paraná Public Ministry in Foz do Iguaçu filed a complaint against Jorge Guaranho, the federal penal agent who killed the PT treasurer in Foz do Iguaçu Marcelo Arruda, on July 9th. Unlike the report of the police investigation, completed by the Civil Police last week, the prosecutors’ understanding is that the murder was committed for a futile, not clumsy, motive. According to the prosecutor who presented the details of the complaint at a press conference, the fact that the discussion was initiated by a “political-party divergence” explains the classification of the homicide committed for a futile motive. Guaranho’s action to shoot Arruda in a place where there were other people justifies the adoption of risk to third parties as a second qualifier of the crime.

The changes implemented in Social Security after the most recent reform, approved in 2019, left the issue in the background in the pre-electoral campaign. However, the system continues to register a growing deficit and, therefore, other changes are necessary to guarantee the sustainability of payments for the current and future generations of workers. In addition to old problems in the regimes of civil servants and the military, another factor that has been penalizing Brazilian social security is the increase in the number of individual microentrepreneurs (MEI). The warning is contained in the collection of articles “Not to forget: public policies that impoverish Brazil”, a book that brings together analyzes of a series of governmental actions and projects implemented in recent decades in Brazil and that should not be repeated, under penalty of putting Brazil on a path of economic, fiscal and social disruption. There are three chapters on Social Security.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said the West cannot offer the world its model of the future and that a new “fairer” world order is being created.. This new world order, according to the Russian leader, is coming to replace a unipolar world that, “by its nature, is holding back the development of civilization”. Putin even claimed that the elites of the western world are currently “in a panic” for other centers of global development to present their vision of the future.

THE Daniel Lopez’s opinionwhich claims that the greatest weapon of war of all time has been put into action.

And to close the Haus shows you the first residential development with an interactive facade in Brazil. It is located on the coast of Santa Catarina, which is recognized for being the vanguard when it comes to real estate projects – ranging from the highest in the country to the most sustainable planned neighborhoods. The news is now in Porto Belo. Similar to what happens in buildings located in Las Vegas or Dubai, for example, the project should become a focal point and a tourist attraction in the city, as it is the only one to rely on this technology. The interactivity will take place on a 28-story LED panel that will line the side of the building and can be seen from any point along the waterfront. The control of the lights and images presented in the interactive show will be carried out by a virtual assistant, who will be responsible for regulating the scenarios and controlling the maintenance of the facade, triggering the condominium administration when necessary. In addition to the pre-configured scenarios, it will also be possible to add other images according to the needs and preferences of the condominium management.

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